Page 15 - DCAC May 2024 Files
P. 15

EOP Balance  4,035               145                   4,181               4,316               4,459               4,604               4,749               4,897               5,046               5,196               5,348               5,501               5,656               5,812

                Crediting Rate  3.26%  3.38%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%

                  32                 35                 43                 45                 46                 47                 49                 50                 52                 53                 55                 56                 Crediting Rate in 3Q2024 and later is assumed to be constant at 3.38%+0.63% = 4.01%
                ContributioInterest   100              100              100              100              100              100              100              100              100              100              100              100              Participant 2 gets an immediate increase of $145  Balance under Scenario 2 is higher than Scenario 1 at end of 2026  5,720           5,812           (92)

            Participant 2 - DC Plan  BOP Balance  3,903               1Q2024  Balance Correction (3.6%)  1Q2024  4,181               2Q2024  4,316               3Q2024  4,459               4Q2024  4,604               1Q2025  4,749               2Q2025  4,897               3Q2025  5,046               4Q2025  5,196               1Q2026  5,348               2Q2026  5,501               3Q2026  5,656               4Q2026  Scenario 1

                EOP Balance  26,462           953                 27,415           27,844           28,320           28,801           29,286           29,777           30,272           30,772           31,277           31,787           32,302           32,822

                Crediting Rate  3.26%  3.38%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%  4.01%

                  212      230  276  281  285  290  295  300  305  310  315  320
                Interest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Crediting Rate in 3Q2024 and later is assumed to be constant at 3.38%+0.63% = 4.01%

                Contributions  (200)                   200                    200                     200                    200                    200                     200                    200                    200                     200                    200                    200                     Participant 1 gets an immediate increase of $953 Balance under Scenario 2 is higher than Scenario 1 at end of 2026  32,1

            Participant 1 - DC Plan  BOP Balance  26,450             1Q2024  Balance Correction (3.6%)  1Q2024  27,415             2Q2024  27,844             3Q2024  28,320             4Q2024  28,801             1Q2025  29,286             2Q2025  29,777             3Q2025  30,272             4Q2025  30,772             1Q2026  31,277             2Q2026  31,787             3Q2026  32,302             4Q2026  Scenario 1 Balance  Sce
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20