Page 6 - NovDefComp
P. 6

It appears there was little “flight-to-safety” during the
                                                              pandemic which suggests that participants are being
                                                              disciplined in their long-term asset allocation strategies.

                                                              Bob also mentioned a program offered by MassMutual
                                                              called Health Bridge which offers life insurance coverage
                                                              to “front line” health care workers. This program totals
                                                              $3B and is available to participants whether they are in a
                                                              MassMutual Plan or affiliated with a client. The County
                                                              will review ways to get this information out the potentially
                                                              eligible individuals.

                                                              Patrick discussed providing education in both group and
                                                              individual “meetings” remotely. Participation in April, May
                                                              and June have been very high both for group and
                                                              individual meetings. The County will be discussing virtual
                                                              options in the future, even after face-to-face meetings
                                                              resume. This will be one of the major topics at the
                                                              October 28, 2020 annual retreat.
                 6.  NAGDCA Attendances                       NAGDCA canceled its Seattle conference, but will be
                                                              offering virtual educational programs from October 5,
                                                              through October 29, 2020. Paul talked about the
                                                              programs that will be offered and the NAGDCA website
                                                              provides additional information on topics and speakers.
                                                              The registration fee is $100 and several Committee
                                                              members expressed a desire to participate. The
                                                              Committee agreed to agendize this topic for both
                                                              November and February. Jay provided information
                                                              toward the end of the meeting indicating that NAGDCA
                                                              would record the sessions for registrants and would
                                                              make the information available to NAGDCA members in
                                                              early 2021.
                 7.  Approval of MassMutual on-line Fraud     Bob provided a brochure which covered fraud prevention
                    Prevention Document                       strategies for participants. The brochure has been
                                                              approved by MassMutual compliance for circulation and
                                                              Kim will work on distributing the information to plan
                 8.  Review and Approval of Education Policy   Paul indicated that neither NFP nor MassMutual were
                    Statement                                 recommending any changes to the EPS but the policy
                                                              was not included in the packet so this item will be
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