Page 6 - AugDefComp
P. 6

requirements remain in place. Lisa identified the
                                                              individuals who tentatively plan to attend and will keep
                                                              the Committee apprised of the status at the August
                 7.  Provider Performance Review              Paul summarized MassMutual’s provision of meeting /
                                                              not meeting performance standards. NFP’s analysis
                                                              covered three recommendations:
                                                              1.  The phone service standards, as discussed in prior
                                                                 meetings, was not fully met but there was a steady
                                                                 increase in approaching the meeting of this
                                                                 standard. The standard was fully met in the last
                                                              2.  Participant statements standards had also only
                                                                 partly been met. In the first quarter of 2019, the vast
                                                                 majority of statements were sent out within the
                                                                 timeframe. In quarters 2 and 3, the standards were
                                                                 less well met. In the 4  quarter, the standard was
                                                                 fully met.
                                                              3.  In a minor recommendation, Paul noted that the
                                                                 question and standard relating to Educational
                                                                 Seminars which is a transition standard does not
                                                                 need to continue to be part of the review as the
                                                                 transition has passed. Paul requested this reference
                                                                 be deleted from future performance standard

                                                              After further discussion, the Committee unanimously
                                                              elected to not impose penalties and to approve the NFP
                                                              report on performance standards.
                 8.  Update on Electronic Enrollment          Bob reported that the total number of individuals who are
                                                              electronically enrolled in their accounts which is still low.
                                                              Paul asked that MassMutual continue to aggressively
                                                              pursue enrollment as one of the first lines of defense in
                                                              cyber security and asked MassMutual to bring specific
                                                              recommended strategies to the Committee for its
                                                              consideration in the August meeting.
                 9.  Appointment of Sub-Committee for Re-     The Committee elected to renegotiate the contract with
                    Negotiation                               MassMutual rather than pursue a full RFP process. The
                                                              County will review possible sub-Committee participants
                                                              to work with NFP on objectives and negotiation priorities.
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