Page 4 - FebDefComp
P. 4

use less of this feature but in fact calls to the 800
                                                              number remain high. This change from expectations is
                                                              part of the reason that MassMutual had issues with
                                                              timely responsiveness to calls when they expected them
                                                              to decline but in fact they increased.
                                                              Bob reviewed the OBRA plan where current balances
                                                              are $11.6 million for the frozen 401(a) plan and are $8.6
                                                              million for the 457(b) active plan.
                                                              Because of the County’s auto enrollment program
                                                              participation in Asset Allocation / Lifecycle (TDF) plan is
                                                              high for individuals under age 30 and diminish
                                                              accordingly for subsequent demographic age groups.
                                                              The participation in TDFs and Stable Value Funds
                                                              appear appropriate for each of the age groups in the
                                                              Rollovers were $6.5 million which still represents a high
                                                              figure. The Committee discussed a number of strategies
                                                              that might lower that rollover amount including after hour
                                                              participant/spousal informal social educational
                                                              gatherings that might help reduce the overall rollover
                                                              amount. Staff agreed that they would look at some
                                                              options in this area.
                                                              Bob also discussed the implementation of the dual
                                                              authentication program. Paul asked that the next report
                                                              include the number of people who are electronically
                                                              enrolled and are therefore using this new tool.
                 3.  NAGDCA Highlights                        Paul indicated that he had not attended the 2019
                                                              NAGDCA conference but that his NFP colleagues had
                                                              provided a summary of each of the session topics. He
                                                              reviewed the NAGDCA Highlights document covering
                                                              social gathers, de-cumulation phase strategies and the
                                                              importance of featuring increased communication with
                                                              retirees. The Committee discussed this in some detail
                                                              and sought to discuss further at the February meeting
                                                              the topic of specific strategies that can be targeted to
                                                              retirees. Other Committee members shared their
                                                              learning experiences from NAGDCA sessions.
                 4.  Phone Call Responsiveness                Bob and Una discussed MassMutual’s increased focus
                                                              on call responsiveness. The overall phone
                                                              responsiveness was over the standard nationwide (84%
                                                              in 80 seconds) but slightly below the standard for San
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