Page 5 - FebDefComp
P. 5

Mateo County specifically (78% in 80 seconds). The
                                                              Committee discussed whether to invoke a penalty and
                                                              agreed that they would await the next performance
                                                              information as the survey did not show any
                                                              dissatisfaction by respondents regarding call-in
                                                              responsiveness. Paul mentioned that the next Provider
                                                              Performance Review would be in May and that there
                                                              would not be a full year of data at that time. Based on
                                                              the discussion, the Committee agreed that the Provider
                                                              Performance Review in May should exclude the phone
                                                              responsiveness which instead would be discussed in
                 5.  2020 Participant Education Plan          Patrick discussed NAGDCA Best Practices around
                                                              education and summarized the 2018 and YTD 2019
                                                              Education results. This review covered the specific
                                                              meetings and locations and departments where
                                                              education was offered. He then summarized the 2020
                                                              proposed education goals and tactics. Paul indicated
                                                              that given the Committee’s interest in the last meeting
                                                              regarding down market behavior and some education
                                                              tips that might help participants weather down market
                                                              cycles that some room should be left for these topics. It
                                                              appears there is sufficient opportunity for this topic to be
                                                              discussed based on what the Committee establishes
                                                              early in 2020. Patrick and Bob summarized and
                                                              discussed the Satisfaction Table used by MassMutual to
                                                              determine overall participant response to the education
                                                              sessions that are being offered and this table
                                                              demonstrates that the satisfaction is generally very good.
                 6.  2020 Committee Education                 Paul indicated that the Committee would be discussing
                                                              Retiree Communication Strategies and OBRA
                                                              investment options which could represent the education
                                                              for February. The CIT and style box options discussion
                                                              in May could represent that meeting’s education. He
                                                              recommended that the Committee wait until later in the
                                                              year to determine its educational preferences for the last
                                                              two quarterly meetings. The Committee agreed.
                 7.  Target Date Fund Options / RFP           Jay reminded the Committee that it had agreed to
                                                              pursue a custom TDF but that a RFP needed to be
                                                              developed to provide a fair and open process for
                                                              selecting an option. He indicated that Human Resources
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