Page 10 - FebDefComp
P. 10

The Committee asked that NFP bring a comparison of
                                                              the remaining four CITs back for consideration as a
                                                              replacement for existing like funds. MassMutual
                                                              indicated that neither of the two funds were currently part
                                                              of their platform and that it would take approximately 16
                                                              weeks from notification of adoption to have their system
                                                              ready to accommodate these replacements. He agreed
                                                              to also provide the agreements that need to be signed to
                                                              allow these funds. These will be provided to Jay.
                                                              MassMutual, NFP and the County will develop a
                                                              communication that not only covers the replacement of
                                                              these underperforming funds with CITs but will also
                                                              include a discussion of CITs so that participants
                                                              understand these new options. A draft of this
                                                              communication will be provided at the February meeting.
                                                              Since MassMutual will already be working on
                                                              establishing these fund options on their platform, the
                                                              time should permit the County to take these actions in
                                                              the early spring of 2020.
                                                              Vince review the HSA fund line-up. Paul reminded the
                                                              Committee that the HSA funds could not be exactly
                                                              replicated from one plan to the next and that NFP had
                                                              agreed to review these funds as well. For any funds that
                                                              are on both the HSA and 457(b) any action on one plan
                                                              would be simultaneously taken on the other. As a result,
                                                              the actions taken on the funds described above also
                                                              apply to the HSA. After discussion, the Committee
                                                              additionally and unanimously agreed on the HSA fund
                                                              line-up to:
                                                                 1.  Eliminate the Loomis Sayles Bond and default
                                                                     assets to the age appropriate Target Date Fund;
                                                                 2.  Eliminate the MFS Utilities R4 fund and default
                                                                     assets to the age appropriate Target Date Fund;
                                                                 3.  Eliminate the Oakmark Equity and Income
                                                                     Investor fund and default assets to the age
                                                                     appropriate Target Date Fund
                                                                 4.  Eliminate the Invesco Oppenheimer
                                                                     International Bd R6 and default assets to the
                                                                     age appropriate Target Date Fund
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