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have not. Paul Okada shared a draft Conflict of Interest
                                                              Code for the Committee which included the adoption
                                                              process. The Code describes the Disclosure Categories
                                                              which the Committee is subject to. Paul indicated that his
                                                              initial discussions with Jay suggested that MassMutual
                                                              was not subject to the Code because they simply carry
                                                              out the actions determined by the Committee. The Code,
                                                              as drafted, would include Regular Members and
                                                              Alternate Members of the Committee, Legal Counsel and
                                                              Consultants. Paul Hackleman indicated that NFP acted
                                                              as a 3-21 Consultant which meant that they made
                                                              recommendations but not decisions. Separate federal
                                                              requirements specify how Financial Advisors must act
                                                              and NFP has already considered itself a co-fiduciary with
                                                              the Committee although it is not operating as a 3-38
                                                              consultant who would take actions independent of the
                                                              Committee. Mike recalled that the Committee had
                                                              discussed this issue when SST was the consultant and
                                                              determined that it did not need to file a Form 700.
                                                              Ultimately, the Human Resources Director will determine
                                                              what action should be taken regarding whether NFP
                                                              does / does not need to file a Form 700. The Committee
                                                              agreed that Lisa, Paul, Bill and Paul Okada should
                                                              schedule a conference call next week to provide more
                                                              detail on NFP’s role. If, ultimately, the County believes
                                                              NFP should file a form 700, NFP legal personnel will
                                                              need to be involved. Paul indicated that no other NFP
                                                              client required NFP to file a Form 700. A conference call
                                                              will be scheduled, a decision of the Consultant’s status
                                                              will be determined and the Code of Conflict of Interest
                                                              will be taken to the Board of Supervisors. Subsequent to
                                                              their action, any covered group will need to File a Form
                 3.  Quarterly Investment Review – Item # 4   This item was also taken out of order. Jeff Blanchard
                                                              provided MassMutual’s Quarterly Investment Review.
                                                              Jeff contrasted the 4  quarter of 2019 with the last week
                                                              + in terms of general performance. While the last week +
                                                              has seen enormous declines because of the Coronavirus
                                                              pandemic the 4  quarter performance was very robust.
                                                              All major equity indexes were substantially higher in both
                                                              the quarter and the year and, very uncommonly, both
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