Page 6 - MayDefComp
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equities and fixed income rose substantially during both
                                                              periods. Global markets were also higher.
                                                              Unemployment remained low. In the quarter, Small Cap
                                                              Growth out-performed other categories but YTD Large
                                                              Cap Growth outperformed. Jeff reviewed the sector
                                                              categories where Healthcare outperformed other
                                                              sectors; only Real Estate was negative. In terms of the
                                                              County’s specific Funds, the portfolio performed very
                                                              well although there was a cautionary tale regarding
                                                              American Funds Growth Fund of America largely
                                                              because its very size presents challenges. The
                                                              Committee accepted the report.
                 4.  Annual Plan Review                       Bob reviewed the Executive Summary of the plan and
                                                              indicated that the assets rose from $443 to $528 million
                                                              over the period from December 31, 2018 to December
                                                              31, 2019 which represented a very strong 10% increase.
                                                              Overall participation increased from 7,875 to 8,643 with
                                                              768 net gain in new participants partly because of the
                                                              County’s automatic enrollment and partly because of
                                                              MassMutual’s campaign initiatives. Average overall
                                                              participation is at a very strong 88%. Loans increased by
                                                              Rollovers still represents a high figure.  Paul asked if
                                                              MassMutual could provide information on whether the
                                                              County’s efforts to have participants leave some assets
                                                              within their accounts in case they choose to transfer
                                                              assets back into the plan. Bob indicated he would look
                                                              into providing that information at the May meeting. Bob
                                                              also compared County information against NAGDCA
                                                              average plan benchmarks and the County was
                                                              consistently higher.
                                                              Patrick summarized the number of group and individual
                                                              meetings he had which represented an overall high
                                                              number compared to prior periods.
                                                              The Committee accepted the report from MassMutual.
                 5.  Plan Document Review Attestation         Paul referenced the document in the Committee’s packet
                                                              which reflected MassMutual’s attestation of plan
                                                              document compliance, acknowledging that the SECURE
                                                              Act will require an amendment at a later date.
                 6.  NAGDCA Conference Attendees              Paul asked Committee members who would attend the
                                                              2020 NAGDCA Conference which is in Seattle from
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