Page 3 - BHRS Director
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     San Mateo County Health is seeking a exceptional leader for the position of Director of Behavioral Health and
     Recovery Services. The Director reports to the Chief of Health and provides vision and leadership for all

     behavioral health services provided and administered by County Health, including mental health, alcohol and
     other drug services that aim to increase equitable outcomes for people of all ages who have mental illness,
     emotional disturbance and substance use disorders. The Director will guide the organization to build forward,
     incorporating the learnings of the pandemic and other crises impacting the people we serve and our workforce
     over the last few years, anchored in the organization’s strong commitment to social and racial equality and
     improving systems so that all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential.

     The Director supports a staff of more than 467, several hundred contracts, and a budget of over $260 million,
     serving more than 8,800 clients, recommending, developing, implementing and evaluating all policy, practice and
     improvement work that eliminates barriers to the progress of the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
     Division and its partners in serving people who struggle with mental illness, emotional disturbance and substance
     use disorders. This is a highly visible role in which the Director works and collaborates closely with Health staff,
     Board and Commission members, other public agencies, nonprofit organizations, community partners, and

     people with lived experience to promote and develop behavioral health services using a trauma-informed, equity
     lens to help individuals, families and communities achieve wellness and recovery in service of the Health mission
     to help all County of San Mateo residents live longer and better lives. The Director represents the division on
     statewide and regional matters and provides highly complex staff assistance to the Chief of Health.

     The Director is a key partner to the Health Plan of San Mateo because the County of San Mateo is organized as
     a County Organized Health System (COHS) and Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) operates as

     the “health plan” for mental health and substance use disorder services for all Medicaid beneficiaries through
     contracts with the State Department of Health Care Services. BHRS partners with the Health Plan of San Mateo
     to assure a seamless experience for beneficiaries. Behavioral health services encompass a wide range of
     prevention, early intervention and treatment services provided to children, adults, older adults and their families
     through contracted and directly operated sites all over San Mateo County. Treatment services include: private
     providers, outpatient community mental health and alcohol and other substance use services, intensive

     outpatient, day treatment, case management, wrap-around full service partnerships, community residential
     treatment, withdrawal management, sobering center, residential care, supported housing, sub-acute and long-
     term care services, and partnering with San Mateo Medical Center and other hospitals and clinics to ensure
     access to psychiatric emergency, inpatient and medical care. The Division also runs an expansive clinical
     training program and psychiatric residency.

     In addition to agreements with the Health Plan of San Mateo, BHRS is responsible to the State for the oversight

     of a substantial Mental Health Services Act funded local plan, Medi-Cal specialty mental health services, and the
     Organized Drug Medi-Cal System of Care. BHRS is a key partner to Education, Probation, Human Services and
     Family Health in the provision of a system of care for children and youth. BHRS has a significant role and
     partnerships related to re-entry services for people returning from jail and with with Human Services and Housing
     to create pathways out of homelessness. BHRS is a key partner in the Cal-Aim reforms aimed at linking complex

     high needs beneficiaries to “whole person care.”
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